Cloud Management
CloudCare is our complementary Cloud management service for all organisations with a monthly spend on AWS.
CloudCare centralises your AWS consumption through Ubertas Consulting.
You are able to access discounted services and leverage our billing platform to realise a range of benefits.
CloudCare has no cost to onboard, is free to access and is flexible. Getting set-up couldn’t be easier; Ubertas Consulting, in partnership with AWS, will manage the end-to-end process for you.
View 'CloudCare' factsheetWe’ve made some exciting changes to CloudCare in 2024.
You now have access to a new web-based portal allowing you to raise queries to our experts, monitor your AWS expenditures and savings opportunities, stay Well-Architected through our Well-Architected Scorecards, and access documents generated through our engagements.
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Call0333 880 2190
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